Robert J. Niber, P.E., Principal

WDP is pleased to announce the promotion of Robert J. Niber, P.E., to the position of Principal.

Rob attended Pennsylvania State University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in 1985. He has been with WDP since its inception in 1995, following 10 years of prior professional experience, and was the driving force in creating the Testing & Inspections Division at WDP which also includes geotechnical engineering services. His portfolio includes extensive experience throughout the continental U.S. for both public and private sector clients providing innovative, cost-efficient solutions for a variety of projects requiring geotechnical engineering, material testing & inspections, and litigation & claims support. He is active on the ASTM D-18 Soil & Rock committee at ASTM International, has previously served as President of the Washington Area Council of Engineering Laboratories (WACEL), and actively participates on the Forensic Engineering Division committee with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He is a licensed engineer in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, California, and the District of Columbia.

During his 30-year tenure with WDP, Rob has authored a number of articles for technical journals and presented on geotechnical topics at industry conventions.

Rob is responsible for providing oversight of the projects and staff in the Testing and Inspection division and geotechnical engineering services and managing several important open-end contracts including:

  • Fairfax County Public Schools
  • Fauquier County Government and Public Schools
  • Loudoun County DTCI and Loudoun County Public Schools
  • Prince William County Schools
  • Prince William County Government, Finance Department
  • Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism
  • Prince William County Government, Department of Transportation
  • Stafford County Government
  • Stafford County Public Schools

Please join us in congratulating Rob on his well-deserved promotion! We look forward to his continued success with WDP.