WDP was engaged as a building enclosure specialist and structural engineering firm to design repairs addressing water infiltration of an existing 7500 sf plaza, which had resulted in serious corrosion and deterioration in the structural steel network supporting the plaza. The urban plaza is part of a multi-use facility housing multiple commercial storefronts as well as a commercial gymnasium and a student athletic complex for the local college. The repair was approached in multiple phases, first to address the water infiltration, then to repair the structural steel system once completely dried in.
An initial leakage investigation was designed and executed by WDP to identify the primary pathways for infiltration into the building through the façade, roof, plaza waterproofing systems, and subsurface waterproofing of the multi-level plaza, which guided the subsequent repair design and confirmed the need to demolish the existing plaza to repair the concealed waterproofing system. WDP designed a complete renovation and improvement program for the plaza area to arrest the leakage into the building interior while updating the look of the plaza and improving the lighting around the area.
After demolition of the plaza topping, masonry veneer, and removal of the existing waterproofing, WDP performed a topographic survey of the structural deck to identify low spots and regions with insufficient slope. A taper layout was developed for application of a slope correction mortar, prior to waterproofing installation, to ensure positive drainage slope throughout the plaza. The waterproofing replacement utilized a robust, reinforced, hot fluid-applied waterproofing system applied continuously over both horizontal surfaces and vertical surfaces to provide a complete, monolithic barrier to water infiltration. A significant component of the plaza reconstruction involved improving sidewalk slopes to comply with ADA requirements.
WDP provided full-time construction support services to provide construction oversight, perform submittal reviews, respond to RFIs, and review and approve payment applications. This construction administration program included an on-site representative to observe construction progress and to respond quickly to contractor questions and problems that arose in the field. As an example, the design intent was to reuse existing stormwater drainage systems, but when a historical foundation wall was uncovered that hindered the waterproofing application, WDP was able to quickly develop field direction that included concrete patch repairs to permit the extension of the waterproofing application onto the abandoned foundation wall and provided a new foundation trench drain to tie into the existing plumbing for improved site drainage.
As the plaza requiring reconstruction served many commercial storefronts, a complex, multi-phase construction approach was developed to maintain building occupancy and allow the commercial spaces to remain operational. Much of the construction was able to be performed during regular working hours, but critical locations were performed off-hours, with temporary access and protection measures to provide access through the construction area during business hours.
Upon completion of the waterproofing project, an investigation of the corroded structural framing and deck was undertaken. WDP used calipers and ultrasonic thickness gages from a lift platform to quantify the steel section loss for several dozen columns and over 100 girders of various lengths and sizes. An analysis of each member’s remaining shear and flexural capacity was compared against the service loads determined through use of a complex finite element model. WDP’s analysis and strengthening design included both composite and non-composite beams, built-up sections, as well as bolted and welded connections. WDP developed repair construction drawings and specifications and assisted with project procurement. WDP provided construction administration services and quality control engineering oversight during construction to confirm that the steel repair and fireproofing application were executed generally in conformance with the project drawings and specifications, as well as in general compliance with the 2015 New York State Building Code.
EPR Properties / New Roc Associates, LP
New Rochelle, New York